Helping a Helper Like You Grow Wherever Planted.

A message from our founders

Welcome to A "Helpers" Safe Space

We know what it’s like to be in your shoes. In our combined 40+ and counting years of experience as a Social Workers, Entrepreneurs, Healthcare Administrators, and a Mental Health Providers, we understand the impact service can have on you holistically without the right supports. 
Here, we normalize and increase access to support, and safe space where helpers can be themselves, prioritize  care for themselves. 
Your personal or professional life revolves around helping others. We cannot afford to lose you. You need you just as much  as they do.
We look forward to partnering and  helping a helper like you, or one loved by you, to keep their servants heart alive.

Who & How We Help

Healthcare professionals, First responders, Educators, Mental Health Providers, and Caregivers are the Helpers we aim to support.    


3C Helpers Directory

We help the helpers receive and provide services. Explore our Directory and Learn how you can join today!


Rejuvinating Retreats

Sometime you need R&R - Rest and Relaxation. We offer opportunities for it.


3C Helpers Blog

Check out blogs for the helpers, written by the helpers to educate, equip and empower!

Looking to help "Helpers" like yourself?

Our Mission

We are a NC based 501c3 Non Profit Organization on a mission to empower and offer creative spaces and resources to proactively and reactively guide essential workers from burnout to balance, from exhaustion to empowerment, and from self-neglect to self-love worldwide.

Lets Make an Impact Help a Helper Like You.


Connect with us

Complete a contact form and a 3C Collab member wwill reach out to you to discuss ways to support and create impact.


Choose your route

Let Us know if you are interested in collaborating to provide services to helpers through blog contribution, retreat planning or facilitation, or joining the provider directory!


Create your profile

(COMING SOON) If you are a provider, with a specialized interest in supporting helpers, create a provider profile today! All subscription dues are reinvested in the mission.